WOF 2012#23 English: Peak To Creek 2012

Mountain sports: multifaceted extreme relay race
Peak To Creek 2012
April 28th - May 01st 2012, Oetztal Valley (Austria)
Skiing and mountain biking, mountain free running and climbing, bicycle racing and ski touring, paragliding, kayaking and rafting: at the spectacular team competition Peak To Creek 2012, nine different types of mountain sports will provide loads of adrenaline! On May 01st, 2012, the multifaceted race will lead the participants 85 kilometres through one of Europe’s most beautiful mountain landscapes, Oetztal valley, Austria. At this unique top-notch relay race, 3 teams with 8 athletes each will fight themselves from winter to summer, from snow to water and from the mountain down to the valley, covering 7,065 metres in altitude, from the ''Schwarze Schneide'' peak at the Rettenbach glacier down to the white water of the Oetztaler Ache creek.