TTR 10/11 #10 - Champs Leysin (English)

TTR Show #10 - Champs Leysin
Despite its age of 20, the Champs Leysin has not grown old a bit, as the organizers have always had the courage to invent new formats. This year, they present an innovative slopestyle course that is unprecedented worldwide: they will integrate a super-pipe into the typical slopestyle features. This thrilling slopestyle course begins with a huge kicker followed by two hips that catapult the riders into the 6.5-metre high and 130-metre long super-pipe. More big air kicker wizardry follows before the riders can show a last creative move on the wall-ride. This new mix of big air, half-pipe and jibbing elements will be lots of fun for the riders as they will have exceptional airtime and consequently more than enough time for spectacular tricks.