Air + Style Tour 2014/2015 - Beijing | CHN

Snowboarding: the greatest big air action of all time!
Air + Style Tour 2014/15
Beijing (CHN), December 5 & 6, 2014
Air + Style is back with a bang! In a sensational development, the world’s most legendary snowboard contest will grow into a world-spanning series with stops at Beijing (CHN), Innsbruck (AUT), and Los Angeles (USA).
The first stop of the Air + Style Tour will be held at the incredible set-up of Beijing’s architectural masterpiece National Stadium aka “Bird’s nest”. It will be the destination for a top-notch two-day snowboarding event. 24 athletes will participate in the qualification on Friday, December 5, 2014. 16 of them qualify for the final on Saturday, which will be accompanied by DJs and two live music performances. The ramp at Air + Style Beijing offers a total length of 165 metres/541 feet, a start height of 42 metres/137 feet, and an inrun length of 75 metres/246 feet.