Freeride World Tour 2022 - stop #4 - Fieberbrunn (AUT) - News

World class freeriding in Austria!
Freeride World Tour 2022
Fieberbrunn, (AUT), March 15th to 20th 2022
The Freeride World Tour has its 4th stop. This takes place in Austria at Fieberbrunn, (AUT).
It is exciting to see what the first stop of the final has to offer after the spectacular three qualifying stages!
At the previous stop at Kicking Horse in Canada, the athletes had the last chance to qualify for the two staged FWT finals in Fieberbrunn (AUT) and Verbier (SUI). Due to the favorable location in the Alps, Fieberbrunn offers the freeriders excellent snow and faces, which allows breathtaking freeriding. The first Finals event features a revolutionary best-of-two-runs format. Each rider has two runs, with only their top score counting towards the final results. Freeride is traditionally a one-run sport, and this format update is certain to push the riding to stratospheric, never-before-seen heights ahead of the all-important showdown at the Xtreme Verbier (SUI)!