Burton European Open 2010 - Highlight

Snowboarding: Olympic countdown at Europe's biggest event
January 09th to 16th 2010, Laax (Switzerland)
Let the show begin! At the 11th European Open, the most successful snowboard freestyle pros of the planet will perform together with amateur riders from all over the world at the famous super-pipe and snowpark of Laax, Switzerland. Putting the event's motto "circus" into effect, the stars of today and tomorrow will once again conjure their magical tricks in the air. Only a few weeks before the Olympic Winter Games 2010 will start, the participants will get the opportunity to gain competition experience in a super-pipe resembling the Olympic set-up in detail. From the 09th to the 16th of January 2010, the world's best slopestyle and half-pipe riders will fight for the US$ 125,000 prize-money. 400 participants and one week full of high-level snowboard competitions make the European Open the biggest snowboard event in Europe.