Mirjam Jäger & Richard Permin

Mirjam Jaeger (SUI) & Richard Permin (FRA), Freeski:
The perfect double
This double profile presents two of the new stars of freeskiing. Adventurous Swiss girl Mirjam Jaeger has grown up in Zurich and spent every minute possible on a snowboard during the 90s. In 2003, the beautiful blonde stood on a pair of skis again after a long break -and soon she switched to freeskiing completely. Success came quickly. In 2006, the Swiss took first place at the Freestyle Tour in France, and in 2008, she was the first European to reach second place at the X Games. Her philosophy: "I`m living my dream and loving it!"
Whether it`s the snow park or the backcountry, Richard Permin is at home at any terrain. The French loves freestyle jumps just as much as wide powder turns. Permin is known for his bright smile, his ornate way of talking and his pulsating energy. The 24-year-old hobby surfer did alpine races when he was young and switched to freestyle skiing when he got 18. Competition victories at the King of Style 2007 or the third place at the Linecatcher 2009 as well as numerous film parts in freeski videos have confirmed he took the right decision.