Faces of Valais 2015 - Part I - Valais (SUI)

A one-of-a-kind trip that brings you close to the nature, people and their sports in the wonderful region of Valais
Faces of Valais
Switzerland - Valais
Valais is the third-biggest canton of Switzerland. Surrounded by the mountains of the Alps, it’s situated in the Southwest of Switzerland and reaches from Lake Geneva to Rhône Glacier. We explored this stunning landscape for more than a year. It was a multi-faceted, one-of-a-kind trip that brought us close to the nature and the people of this wonderful region. We met many different people and experienced the diversity of the mountains, forests, lakes and valleys as well as the sports the people love to practice here. The central element in our voyage though was water – in its fluid and frozen state as well as disguised as snowflakes...