Skiers Cup 2015 - Zermatt (SUI)

Freeskiing: USA vs. Europe - thrilling duel of the continents!
February 21st to 27th, 2015, Zermatt and Zinal (Switzerland)
Sitting in the midst of 38 four-thousanders and near some of the largest glaciers in the Alps, the car-free village of Zermatt offers the perfect venue for this exciting battle. In this world-famous resort, the question will be answered which of the two continents is this season’s number one in backcountry freeskiing: America or Europe? The pressure is on this year as both teams are ready to break the 2-2 tie, with Team Americas defending their 2014 title. The ground-breaking idea for the SKIERS CUP: two days of fierce head-to-head action pitting Team Americas against Team Europe, each a posse of nine professional skiers hand-picked from the top-notch freeskiers of their respective continents. Through a series of two heats with head-to-head duels in the Big Mountain and Backcountry Slopestyle disciplines, the riders must try to win over their opponents. Each duel produces one winner and thus one point for the winning continent. In the end, the continent with the most points will win the fifth edition of the SKIERS CUP.