adidas Sickline Extreme Kayak World Championship 2014 - Ötztal (AUT)

Kayaking: white-water stars met at legendary Wellerbrücke
Sickline Extreme Kayak World Championship 2014
October 2nd to 4th, 2014, Ötztal Valley (Austria)
The smoothest and fastest line downriver – that’s what extreme kayakers call a “sick line”. In search for such routes, they travel around the world. One of their most popular destinations is Austria’s Ötz Valley, which is the venue of the 7th Sickline Extreme Kayak World Championship from October 2nd to 4th, 2014. No matter if freestylers, slalom specialists or explorers, world champions, world cup winners or kayakers of the „free“ scene: this event unites athletes of all kayaking disciplines. At the legendary „Wellerbrücke“ course, the world’s leading white-water paddlers fought for the coveted 2014 World Championship belt.