GKA Freestyle-Kite World Cup 2023 - Dunkerque (FRA) - News

World Cup makes debut in Dunkerque

GKA Freestyle-Kite World Cup 2023 - Dunkerque (FRA)

Dunkerque (FRA), 16th - 20th of August


The leaders in the freestyle discipline of the Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour are set to continue their quest for title glory when the world cup makes its upcoming debut stop in Dunkerque, northern France. Freestyle world champions Mikaili Sol (USA) and Gianmaria Coccoluto (ITA) are ready to battle in the five-day event on the North Sea in the hope of keeping their title defense on track as the GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup Dunkerque marks the season’s mid-point. Now at the GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup France, which will be staged on Dunkerque’s long and wide strand in front of Place du Centenaire, the pair must put points on the board with just two more Freestyle-Kite stops to come.